我们共推出了6个尺码。分别是34,36,S,M,L,XL ~一件只需15令吉,
我们共推出了6个尺码。分别是34,36,S,M,L,XL ~一件只需15令吉,
The T-shirts of the 14th Chinese New Year Extravaganza are for sale now! The designs are as above.
There are 6 sizes: 34, 36, S, M, L, XL.
With only RM15, you could get a decent new year T-shirt.
Why not?
There are 6 sizes: 34, 36, S, M, L, XL.
With only RM15, you could get a decent new year T-shirt.
Why not?
想品尝马六甲不同地方的美食吗?,1月6日当晚,我们将在多媒体大学(马六甲院校)的President Square举办新春园游会,届时种类繁多的美物,将让你大受口福!!另外,当晚还会有幸运抽奖!说不定,好运驾到,还能赢得大奖呢!!
我们将会在下星期举办“唐人街” (3/1/2011-5/1/2011)以及新春园游会(6/1/2011),届时可到宣传柜台购买园游会固本或新春嘉年华会活动衣哦!如果您不方便到我们的柜台预购,也可以联络我们并向我们订购!呵呵~欢迎您前来订购哦!
吴鸿壮 016-6891579张慧婷 017-5566607
Other than that, are you interested in trying a variety of Malacca delicacies? With our coupons, you can feast as you like
on the 6th January 2011 at President Square!
Besides, there will be lucky draws on that particular night!
Who knows, you might be the next lucky star to draw away big prizes! We will continue to sell our coupons and event T-shirts during the China Town Exhibition (3/1-5/1/2011) and Garden Festival (6/1/2011). Feel free to visit our information booth at CLC Concourse next week! You could also contact us to make pre-booking! We are waiting for you!
on the 6th January 2011 at President Square!
Besides, there will be lucky draws on that particular night!
Who knows, you might be the next lucky star to draw away big prizes! We will continue to sell our coupons and event T-shirts during the China Town Exhibition (3/1-5/1/2011) and Garden Festival (6/1/2011). Feel free to visit our information booth at CLC Concourse next week! You could also contact us to make pre-booking! We are waiting for you!
For any enquiries, kindly contact:
Goh Yong Chuan 016-6891579
Teo Hui Ting 017-5566607
Teo Hui Ting 017-5566607