《极速大胃王比赛》 (Speedy Eating Contest)
日期 : 05.01.2011(星期三)
时间 : 中午12时
地点 : 多媒体大学综合讲堂走廊
参赛资格 : 多媒体大学(马六甲院校)校内学生
Date : 05/01/2011 (Wednesday)
Date : 05/01/2011 (Wednesday)
Time : 12 pm
Venue : MMU CLC Concourse
Qualification : MMU Student
比赛食品单 : 柑,红龟糕,柚子,发糕,菊花茶
1. 参赛者必须在最短的时间内依次序吃完主办单位所准备的食物组合。
2. 吃下最多组食物的参赛者将成为本次《急速大胃王》的冠军。注:食物顺序将由主办单位决定。
Game Instructions :
1.All participants must finish the food set that prepared by Organizer as soon as possible.
2.Participants who finish their food within the fastest period would be the Champion of “Speedy Eating Contest”.
1) 1)比赛进行过程中,参赛者不能干扰其他参赛者。
2 2)参赛者必须按照主办单位所规划的食物顺序。
3 3)已缴交的报名费,恕不退还。
) 4)参赛者须接受主办单位所做的决定,不得有异议。
\ 5)主办单位将不负责比赛中任何非大会疏忽的意外,参赛者需自行注意自身物品与安全。
6)参赛者必须事先确保自己不对主办单位所提供的食物产生过敏。主办单位将不负责任 何因比赛食物所导致的过敏现象。
8)参赛者必须在10 分钟前抵达比赛现场,迟到者被视为弃权。
10)请完整填写报名表格, 若发现有不完整之处, 主办单位有权取消参赛资格。
8)参赛者必须在10 分钟前抵达比赛现场,迟到者被视为弃权。
10)请完整填写报名表格, 若发现有不完整之处, 主办单位有权取消参赛资格。
Rules and Regulations :
1. Participants cannot interfere each others.
2. All participants must follow the food sequence arranged by organizer.
3. All participants must keep the cleanliness.
4. The application fees would not be refund.
5. The participants must accept the judgment of the organizer. No objections would be entertained
6. Organizer would not be responsible to any unexpected incidents. All participants must responsible to own belongings.
7. Participants must ensure they are not allergic to the food that provided by organizer. Organizer would not responsible to any allergies cases.
8. The organizer reserves the right to amend, delete or add to the above Rules and Regulations at any time without prior notice.
9. All the participants must arrive earlier. Latecomers will be considered as abstention.
10. Participants must obey the rules and regulations.
11. The form must be completed. Participants would be disqualified for incomplete form.
奖金:冠军 –奖金RM168
亚军 –奖金RM128
亚军 –奖金RM128
季军 –奖金RM 88
安慰奖 (3 份) –第十四届新春嘉年华会活动 T-恤
2nd Place : Cash RM 128
3rd Place : Cash RM 88
Consolation Prize (x3) : T-shirt of 14th CNYE
* 欲知详情,请联络:1. 卓晓莹 012-6738223
2. 辜德威 012 -98989023. 郑庭瑞 016-7408368
* For further enquiries, please contact:
1. Toh Swee Ying 012 -6738223
2. Nicholas Koh De Wei 012-9898902
3. Tee Ting Rui 016 -7408368
* 欲知详情,请联络:
2. 辜德威 012 -9898902
* For further enquiries, please contact:
1. Toh Swee Ying 012 -6738223
2. Nicholas Koh De Wei 012-9898902
3. Tee Ting Rui 016 -7408368
1. Toh Swee Ying 012 -6738223
2. Nicholas Koh De Wei 012-9898902
3. Tee Ting Rui 016 -7408368
《挥春比赛》 (Calligraphy Competition)
日期 :4/1/2011 (星期二)
时间 :11:30am
地点 :多媒体大学综合讲堂走廊
参赛资格 :多媒体大学校内学生
比赛结果公布 :比赛当日(下午1时)
报名费 :会员 (RM2)
Date : 4/1/2011 (Tuesday)Time : 11.30amVenue : MMU CLC ConcourseQualification : MMU StudentDate of result announcement : 1.00pm on the day of competitionRegistration Fees : Member ( RM2 ) Non-members ( RM3 ) Non-Chinese ( Free ) 比赛细则:
1. 現場揭題,主办单位将提供红纸,參賽者需自备书法用具。 2. 由主办单位提供红纸,每人一对(附蓋章),非主办单位用纸无效。 3. 每位参赛者只许呈交一份作品。 4. 所有参赛作品无论得奖与否,恕不退还。 5. 参赛者必须在限定的时间内完成作品. 6. 参赛者须接受主办单位及评审团的决定,不得有异议。 7. 主办单位保留该比赛的最终解释权利,并对赛果拥有最终决定权。 8. 参赛者填报的私人资料,只供主办单位比赛使用。 9. 已繳交报名费者,若无出席比赛,恕不退款。 10. 主办单位有权將所有參賽及得奖作品用于刊物出版、宣传、上网或展出之 用,不另付费。 11.本比赛细则若有未尽善处,主办单位有权删改,恕不另行通知。
Rules and Regulations : 1. The organizer would only provide papers. Other stationary must be prepared by the participants. 2. Each participant can only submit one piece of work. 3. The position of judges would be held by professional calligraphy teachers. 4. The winning pieces of calligraphy would be displayed in the CNYE exhibition for everyone to appreciate. 5. The participants must accept the judgment of the organizer and judges. No objections would be entertained. 6. The organizer would preserve the rights to explain and edit the rules of the competition, and the same time, holds authority to decide the results of the competition. 7. The details of the participants would only be used by the organizers. 8. The forms must be completed. Participants would be disqualified for incomplete forms.
· 冠军 : 价值RM80的礼篮 · 亚军 : 价值RM70的礼篮 · 季军 : 价值RM60的礼篮 · 安慰奖(3份) : 价值RM30的礼篮
Prize :
1st Place : Hamper worth RM80
2nd Place : Hamper worth RM70
3rd Place : Hamper worth RM60
Consolation Prize (x3) : Hamper worth RM30
* 欲知详情,请联络:1. 卓晓莹 012-6738223
2. 辜德威 012 -98989023. 郑庭瑞 016-7408368
* For further enquiries, please contact:
1. Toh Swee Ying 012 -6738223
2. Nicholas Koh De Wei 012-9898902
3. Tee Ting Rui 016 -7408368
日期 :4/1/2011 (星期二)
时间 :11:30am
地点 :多媒体大学综合讲堂走廊
参赛资格 :多媒体大学校内学生
比赛结果公布 :比赛当日(下午1时)
报名费 :会员 (RM2)
Date : 4/1/2011 (Tuesday)
Non-Chinese ( Free )
1st Place : Hamper worth RM80
2nd Place : Hamper worth RM70
3rd Place : Hamper worth RM60
Consolation Prize (x3) : Hamper worth RM30
1. Toh Swee Ying 012 -6738223
2. Nicholas Koh De Wei 012-9898902
3. Tee Ting Rui 016 -7408368